Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada
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Self Study Report

Preparation and submission of the Self Study Report (SSR) is a requirement for an education program during the accreditation review. It is due four months prior to the site review. Most education programs report that they require approximately a year to compile and format the information required for submission.

The main purpose of the SSR is to provide an opportunity for the education program to:
  • provide evidence about the program's compliance with accreditation standards
  • systematically review the program and assess its outcomes
  • identify areas of strength
  • identify areas where strategies may need to be developed to improve or maintain program quality

Guidelines and the required format for preparation of the SSR are provided in the Program Accreditation Handbook. Please contact the PT Accreditation Program Manager, Jessica Pilon-Bignell, at with any additional questions.

The SSR submission must also include the Required Forms.

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